Family Support Services of Horry County dba Family Outreach of Horry County is a 501-c-3 nonprofit organization founded in 1983. We are dedicated to preventing poverty, child abuse and neglect in Horry County by building strong families and happy, healthy home environments for babies and children.
We accomplish this by improving positive parenting skills and self sufficiency though education, training, and support. We strive to help the most vulnerable by providing for their baisc needs
We serve families from all backgrounds, ages and circumstances, to help them make positive choices for themselves and their families.
Family Outreach is a United Way of Horry County Community Partner!
As a nonprofit organization, we work with clients from all backgrounds, ages and circumstances, providing personalized emotional support and education.
Family Outreach's main goals are:
Your donation will help prevent poverty, child abuse and neglect by building strong families and happy, healthy home environments for babies and children.
Susan is a graduate of the University of South Carolina and Coastal Carolina University with a degree in psychology.
Susan also has 35 years of experience in non-profit administration on the East and West Coasts of the US. She has been Family Outreach's Executive Director since 2003.
For questions, concerns or to donate to Family Outreach of Horry County, contact Susan at
Sherry is a former LPN, graduating from the San Angelo School of Nursing in 1977. She left nursing in the late 1980's to focus on her family. Sherry is a certified Triple P parenting educator offering group classes.
She began volunteering for Family Outreach in 1992 and became a Family Life Educator in 1993. Sherry works with pregnant and parenting teens in Horry County high schools, as well as, in a monthly evening group. She is a certified Triple P educator.
You can reach Sherry Coutain with any questions or concerns at
Anita graduated from Coastal Carolina University in 2016 with a degree in Public Health, and began her career as a Health Educator with Family Outreach in 2016.
Anita is a certified Triple P educator and along with individual parenting classes; she provides comprehensive case management off site at several organizations, including the Family Justice Center, New Directions Family Shelter, and Sea Haven Transitional Living. She also manages the parent database.
You can reach Anita with any question or concerns at
Family Outreach of Horry County is governed by a board of directors made up of members of our community.
We are always looking for volunteers to serve on our board please contact Susan Canterbury if you would like to learn more about these opportunities.